Results for 'Maḥmūd Muḥammad Salmān'

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  1.  20
    The Application of Entrepreneurial Elements in Mathematics Teaching: Challenges for Primary School Mathematics Teachers.Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud, Siti Mistima Maat, Roslinda Rosli, Nur Ainil Sulaiman & Shahrul Badriyah Mohamed - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The entrepreneurial element is one of the aspects emphasized in the primary school mathematics education curriculum in Malaysia. However, previous studies have found that application of entrepreneurial elements in mathematics teaching is still lacking. This study was therefore conducted to identify the real challenges that mathematics teachers face in applying the entrepreneurial element in mathematics teaching. This study is qualitative case study which involved six primary school mathematics teachers. Semi-structured interviews, observation, document analysis and field notes were used for the (...)
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    Re-Engineering the Human Resource Strategies Amid and Post-Pandemic Crisis: Probing into the Moderated Mediation Model of the High-Performance Work Practices and Employee's Outcomes.Ma Zhiqiang, Hira Salah ud din Khan, Muhammad Salman Chughtai & Li Mingxing - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:710266.
    By incorporating the conservation of resource theory, this study examines how high-performance work practices (HPWPs) affect the employee's in-role performance (EIRP) and employee's task performance (ETP) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Furthermore, this study investigates how organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) and positive psychological capital (PPC) affect the relationship between HPWPs and outcomes of employees such as EIRP and ETP. A quantitative technique based on the survey method was used to gather the primary data of the investigation. Two hundred and (...)
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    Sustaining Continuous Engagement in Value Co-creation Among Individuals in Universities Using Online Platforms: Role of Knowledge Self-Efficacy, Commitment and Perceived Benefits.Nabil Hasan Al-Kumaim, Abdulsalam K. Alhazmi, T. Ramayah, Muhammad Salman Shabbir & Nadhmi A. Gazem - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Value Co-Creation plays a major role in engaging knowledgeable individuals in a community via innovation, problem solving, and new service/product development. This study investigates the personal factors that influence individuals’ engagement in value co-creation in Higher Education Institutions through the use of online platforms. Some higher education institutions have successfully established or used appropriate online platforms, such as online forums, web applications, and mobile applications to engage their community in ideation or crowdsourcing as a part of the value co-creation process. (...)
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    The Nexus between Technological Learning, Downsizing, Employee Commitment, and Organizational Performance.Adeel Razzaq, Arslan Ayub, Farah Arzu & Muhammad Salman Aslam - 2013 - Nexus 2 (10):74-80.
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    Herd Behaviour, Fundamental, and Macroeconomic Variables – The Driving Forces of Stock Returns: A Panel-Based Pooled Mean Group Approach.Shaista Jabeen, Sayyid Salman Rizavi & Muhammad Farhan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The existing research aims to seek the herding effects on stock returns at the industry level in Pakistan Stock Exchange. Moreover, the relationship between stock returns and herding has been studied by taking some macroeconomic and fundamental control variables. Herding is actually imitating other’s behaviour. This phenomenon indicates a situation where the investors follow the crowed and ignores their personal information, despite knowing the correctness of their information. Herd behaviour may drive from fundamental factors leading to efficient markets. However, it (...)
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    Classes of Planar Graphs with Constant Edge Metric Dimension.Changcheng Wei, Muhammad Salman, Syed Shahzaib, Masood Ur Rehman & Juanyan Fang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    The number of edges in a shortest walk from one vertex to another vertex of a connected graph G is known as the distance between them. For a vertex x and an edge e = a b in G, the minimum number from distances of x with a and b is said to be the distance between x and e. A vertex x is said to distinguish two distinct edges e 1 and e 2 if the distance between x and (...)
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  7. Mahmud Muhammad taha's second message of Islam and his modernist project.Mohamed Mahmoud - 2000 - In Ronald L. Nettler, Mohamed Mahmoud & John Cooper, Islam and modernity: Muslim intellectuals respond. London: I. B. Tauris.
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  8. Le Livre de la Sagesse Orientale Kit'b Hikmat Al-Ishr'q.Yahyá ibn Habash Suhrawardi, Henry Corbin, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi & Mahmud ibn Mas ud Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi - 1986
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    The shipwrecked sailor in Arabic and Western literature: Ibn Ṭufayl and his influence on European writers.Mahmud Baroud - 2012 - New York: I.B. Tauris.
    From the ancient Egyptian tale of a Shipwrecked Sailor through to Sinbad and Robinson Crusoe, the stranded castaway living and philosophizing alone on a strange, desert island is a theme which has captured the imaginations of writers spanning cultures and millennia. Most familiar to Western literary historians is Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, which inspired generations of writers from Jonathan Wyss and William Golding to Michel Tournier and J.M.Coetzee. However, little attention has been paid to Defoe’s antecedents, such as the remarkable (...)
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    The Life and Times of Sultan Maḥmūd of GhaznaThe Life and Times of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna.F. W. Buckler, Muḥammad Nāzim & Muhammad Nazim - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (1):75.
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    Iran and Its Boundaries in Challenging with Foreign Relation (1789-1836).Jafar Aghazadeh, Morteza Dehgan Nezhad & Asgr Mahmud Abade - 2012 - Asian Culture and History 4 (2):p159.
    From ancient times, Iran’s boundaries were formed by Iranian kings’ struggles. From that time, an imagination about these boundaries was formed in Iranian minds and has been continued until now. So, one of the important duties of Iranian kings was to expand Iran’s boundaries to that of ancient times. The aim of this research is to investigate Iran’s relations with European countries and the role of these relations in forming the Iran’s boundaries from 1789 to 1828. In this research, a (...)
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    Yannik Hüllinghorst: Der letzte Akt des Widerstands. Die Kritik des Sahwa-Predigers Safar al-Hawali an der Politik des saudischen Kronprinzen Muhammad b. Salman. Bonner Islamwissenschaftliche Hefte Nr. 49, hg. von Stephan Conermann (Berlin: EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt, 2022), 80 S. ISBN 978-3-86893-416-8, 19.80 €. [REVIEW]Assia M. Harwazinski - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 32 (1):108-110.
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    Sudán: ¿islam africano e islam árabe? Dicotomías del islam, el islamismo y el sufismo.Rafael Ortega - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    El análisis del islam en Sudán muestra la gran variedad de aproximaciones al objeto de estudio, la diversidad de sus lecturas y el reiterado recurso a los principios religiosos para justificar o legitimar las cuestiones políticas y de Estado. El islam sudanés, en sus diferentes manifestaciones, ha traspasado las fronteras nacionales y ha contribuido al islam africano, árabe y mundial. Eso desde el siglo XIX cuando surgió un primer proto-estado islámico de la mano de esa figura mesiánica que fue Muhammad (...)
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    Superstition as Ideology in Iranian Politics: From Majlesi to Ahmadinejad.Ali Rahnema - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    A superstitious reading of the world based on religion may be harmless at a private level, yet employed as a political tool it can have more sinister implications. As this fascinating book by Ali Rahnema, a distinguished Iranian intellectual, relates, superstition and mystical beliefs have endured and influenced ideology and political strategy in Iran from the founding of the Safavid dynasty in the sixteenth century to the present day. As Rahnema demonstrates through a close reading of the Persian sources and (...)
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    Aṭrāfs as a Method of Classification (Taṣnīf) and Inclusion (Takhrīj).Fatih Mehmet Yilmaz - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):345-366.
    Ḥadīths have been preserved and recorded in various ways since the Companions. These activities continued dur-ing the Tābiīn (the successors of the Companions) Period. So much so that these methods have formed the infra-structure of other methods that will emerge later. In this context, before the 70's (A.H.), works named al-Aṭrāf appeared. However, these first works consisted of the notes that they wrote some of the ḥadīths before coming to the science assemblies to help students remember in ḥadīth learning. Ḥadīth (...)
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    B'tınî Ekolleri Anlamada Anahtar Bir Kavram: Ezılle/Gölgeler Nazariyesi.Ali Avcu - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):101-101.
    There are numerous studies on the esoteric sects in Islam. Though in these studies they have been discussed from different respects, none of them draws attention to the place and importance of the theory of shadows (aẓilla) in the esoteric sects. In this article, after the identification of the meaning of the theory of shadows, it has been argued that the concept of shadows has a central role in understanding the esoteric system of thought. In this context, it has been (...)
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    Toleration.Stephen Macedo - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 813–820.
    More than three hundred years after the case for toleration received classic expositions in writings by Pierre Bayle, John Locke and others, the grounds and limits of toleration remain hotly contested. While broad principles of religious toleration reign in most Western nations and elsewhere, the freedom to contest and reject dominant religious and political views is sharply limited in many places. The term ‘fundamentalism’ was originally coined by Protestant anti‐modernists and biblical literalists. It has since come to be applied to (...)
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  18. Art Education and the Emergence of Radical Art Movements in Egypt: The Surrealists and the Contemporary Arts Group, 1938–1951.Patrick Kane - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (4):95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art Education and the Emergence of Radical Art Movements in Egypt: The Surrealists and the Contemporary Arts Group, 1938–1951Patrick Kane (bio)So it wasn’t the aim of the artist to just toss out a work of art. A tradition of the exhibition of the natural, and its meaning was not that it fled from life, but that it had penetrated and plunged into reality. Its meaning was not a prescription (...)
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    The Translation Issue of Mutashābih Expressions in the Example of Kazakh Translations Prepared in the 20th Century.Daniyar Samet - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1181-1202.
    The Qurʾān is certainly the last of the divine teachings and the most perfect. While this holy book has a perfect miraculous feature, especially since its rules are valid until the Day of Judgment, it also contains many unique features in terms of style and content. The Qurʾān firstly asks people to understand it thoroughly and live it in their lives. In order for them to live, they must first correctly understand the messages that the Qurʾān gave to people. In (...)
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  20. A scoping review of electroencephalographic (EEG) markers for tracking neurophysiological changes and predicting outcomes in substance use disorder treatment.Tarik S. Bel-Bahar, Anam A. Khan, Riaz B. Shaik & Muhammad A. Parvaz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:995534.
    Substance use disorders (SUDs) constitute a growing global health crisis, yet many limitations and challenges exist in SUD treatment research, including the lack of objective brain-based markers for tracking treatment outcomes. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a neurophysiological technique for measuring brain activity, and although much is known about EEG activity in acute and chronic substance use, knowledge regarding EEG in relation to abstinence and treatment outcomes is sparse. We performed a scoping review of longitudinal and pre-post treatment EEG studies that explored (...)
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  21.  40
    Questioning Scientific Publications: Understanding how Indonesian Scholars Perceive the Obligation to Publish and its Ethical Practices.Yuliana Hanami, Idhamsyah Eka Putra, Muhammad Aldan Relintra & Syauqiyyah Syahlaa - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):625-647.
    Considerable demand for academic research and publications is not a new subject of discussion in the academic field. In Indonesia, there is increasing challenge and pressure to conduct scientific publications, making it a very competitive field for academics, particularly for lecturers and postgraduate students. The present study examines Indonesian scholars’ perceptions of academic publishing as a demand from institutions and the government, as well as their understanding of academic misconduct. We conducted a survey with open-ended questions to 55 scholars. The (...)
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  22.  26
    Online Tourism Information and Tourist Behavior: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis Based on a Self-Administered Survey.Salman Majeed, Zhimin Zhou, Changbao Lu & Haywantee Ramkissoon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial competencies, innovation, and performances in SMEs of Pakistan: Moderating role of social ties.Junaid Aftab, Monica Veneziani, Huma Sarwar & Muhammad Ishtiaq Ishaq - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):419-437.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 419-437, April 2022.
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    Online Customer Experience Leads to Loyalty via Customer Engagement: Moderating Role of Value Co-creation.Farooq Ahmad, Khurram Mustafa, Syed Ali Raza Hamid, Kausar Fiaz Khawaja, Shagufta Zada, Saqib Jamil, Muhammad Nawaz Qaisar, Alejandro Vega-Muñoz, Nicolás Contreras-Barraza & Naveed Anwer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the increasing growth of online shopping, businesses are intertwining to establish new shopping antecedents. Customer experience has steadily become the most important source of retailers’ long-term competitive advantage via difference. To preserve long-term and sustained consumer loyalty, retailers must continually improve the customer experiences. This study presents a framework for online retailing in a digital environment called the Online Customer Experience-Engagement Context model in the presence of value co-creation. Data was gathered from 189 people who purchased products online. For (...)
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    Designing of a Simulation Tool for the Performance Analysis of Hybrid Data Center Networks.Muhib Ahmad, Farrukh Zeeshan Khan, Zeshan Iqbal, Muneer Ahmad, Ihsan Ali, Sultan S. Alshamrani, Muhammad Talha & Muhammad Ahsan Raza - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    Data center technology changes the mode of computing. Traditional DCs consist of a single layer and only have Ethernet connections among switches. Those old-fashioned DCs cannot fulfill the high resource demand compared with today’s DCs. The architectural design of the DCs is getting substantial importance and acting as the backbone of the network because of its essential feature of supporting and maintaining the rapidly increasing Internet-based applications which include search engines and social networking applications. Every application has its parameters, like (...)
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    Investigating the Parental and Media Influence on Gender Stereotypes and Young Student’s Career Choices in Pakistan.Mehdi Hassan, Yingzi Luo, Jianxiu Gu, Iqra Mushtaque & Muhammad Rizwan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study aimed to examine the impact of parental influence and media richness on gender stereotypes and career decisions among students at the secondary level in Pakistan. The sample size was 200 students, selected through a simple random sampling technique from government and private schools. Four questionnaires were used to gather data. The data was analyzed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Regression analyses were used to investigate the impact of parental influence on gender stereotypes and media (...)
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    The Mediating Role of Psychological Need Thwarting in the Relationship Between Compulsory Citizenship Behavior and Psychological Withdrawal.Mohsin Bashir, Kanwal Shaheen, Sharjeel Saleem, Mohammed Khurrum Bhutta, Muhammad Abrar & Zhao Jun - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  28. The Outcomes of Organizational Cronyism: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective.Shahab Ali, Farrukh Shahzad, Iftikhar Hussain, Pu Yongjian, Muhammad Mahroof Khan & Zafar Iqbal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current research examines the possible outcomes of cronyism like organizational deviance, organizational cynicism, and counterproductive work behavior and also investigates the mediating variable violation of psychological contract among cronyism and its possible outcomes. Many studies have investigated the presence of organizational cronyism at the workplace and its impacts on certain variables. However, the outcomes observed in this study, i.e., OD, OCy, and counter-productive work behavior were not empirically investigated previously as per researchers’ knowledge. The second gap this study fills (...)
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    (1 other version)Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Civil Legislation: A Comparative Study Between French Civil Law and Iraqi Civil Law.Fatima Abdul Rahim Ali Al-Musallamawi & Mona Muhammad Kazem Abbas Al-Dulaimi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:156-176.
    This study deals with the protection of intellectual property rights in French and Iraqi civil law. This is because the literary and life creativity in Iraq is declining, it is difficult to invest money in new things, and the number of people who comply with the artificial laws made since 2003 is increasing, and secondly, another reason, people's ignorance of the existing laws in Iraq. Iraq, so it is necessary. In each legislation, legal mechanisms are used to promote media and (...)
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  30. Saf Aklın Eleştirisi’nde Şematizmin Rolü ve Önemi.Selda Salman - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):1495-1513.
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    Pembacaan baru konsep talak: Studi pemikiran Muhammad sa‘id al-‘asymāwī.Muhammad Fauzinuddin Faiz - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (2).
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    Guidelines adherence and hypertension control at a tertiary hospital in Malaysia.Nafees Ahmad, Yahaya Hassan, Balamurugan Tangiisuran, Ong Loke Meng, Noorizan Abd Aziz, Fiaz‐ud‐Din Ahmad & Muhammad Atif - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):798-804.
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  33. Ishkālīyat al-taʼwīl bayna kull min al-Ghazzālī wa-Ibn Rushd.Ahmad Abd Al-Muhaymin & Muhammad Atif Iraqi - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    A study on sustainable air travel behavior under the possible remedy of risk knowledge: A mediating perspective of risk perception during COVID-19.Warangsiri Niemtu, Kaida Qin & Muhammad Toseef - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aviation industry is the center of gravity for tourism-dependent countries seeking to uplift their economic activities. The COVID-19 pandemic in the early part of 2020 threatened people and the air industry to the maximum extent. This paper investigated the sustainable air travel behavior of passengers under the risk knowledge path. The mediating role of risk perception, i.e., physical risk, psychological risk, and service quality, was also tested for the risk knowledge-air travel behavior association. We surveyed 339 travelers at six (...)
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  35. Expert System for Castor Diseases and Diagnosis.Fatima M. Salman & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 3 (3):1-10.
    Background: The castor bean is a large grassy or semi-wooden shrub or small tree. Any part of the castor plant parts can suffering from a disease that weakens the ability to grow and eliminates its production. Therefore, in this paper will identify the pests and diseases present in castor culture and detect the symptoms in each disease. Also images is showing the symptom form in this disease. Objectives: The main objective of this expert system is to obtain appropriate diagnosis of (...)
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  36. Patients’ perceived purpose of clinical informed consent: Mill’s individual autonomy model is preferred.Muhammad M. Hammami, Eman A. Al-Gaai, Yussuf Al-Jawarneh, Hala Amer, Muhammad B. Hammami, Abdullah Eissa & Mohammad A. Qadire - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):2.
    Although informed consent is an integral part of clinical practice, its current doctrine remains mostly a matter of law and mainstream ethics rather than empirical research. There are scarce empirical data on patients’ perceived purpose of informed consent, which may include administrative routine/courtesy gesture, simple honest permission, informed permission, patient-clinician shared decision-making, and enabling patient’s self decision-making. Different purposes require different processes.
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  37. Abu call Ahmad Ibn Muhammad miskawayh.Muhammad Miskawayh - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi, An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--274.
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    Assortative mating for height in Pakistani arranged marriages.Mahmud Ahmad - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (2):211-214.
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    Health, Wellness, and Place Attachment During and Post Health Pandemics.Salman Majeed & Haywantee Ramkissoon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Therapeutic landscapes encapsulate healing and recovery notions in natural and built environmental settings. Tourists’ perceptions determine their decision making of health and wellness tourism consumption. Researchers struggle with the conceptualization of the term ‘therapeutic landscapes’ across disciplines. Drawing on extant literature searched in nine databases, this scoping review identifies different dimensions of therapeutic landscapes. Out of identified 178 literature sources, 124 met the inclusion criteria of identified keywords. We review the contribution and the potential of environmental psychology in understanding tourist (...)
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    Freud and the Far East: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the People and Culture of China, Japan, and Korea.Salman Akhtar (ed.) - 2009 - Jason Aronson.
    The contributors to the book discuss the depth-psychological concepts of amae and wa, the Ajase complex, and the filial piety complex, underscoring the ...
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    The need for a knife: basic questions and answers about life.Muhammad Muneer Dahab - 2013 - Saratoga, CA: Millennial Mind Publishing.
    The philosopher's stone : the epitome of my knowledge -- Preface -- Introduction -- Collectania -- The need for a tool -- A dream to organize chaos -- Substance abuse and a headache -- A habit from paradise -- A sealed story -- Stealing a seal -- Loosing a tool -- Believe it or not -- A blessing in curse-dressing -- Growing pains -- Lost paradises -- Diaries, my beloved diaries -- A taste like honey -- Physics of the heart (...)
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    To the editor of "mind".O. P. D. Salman - 1939 - Mind 48 (189):551-552.
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  43. Mutiara al-Qur'a# n.Salman Harun - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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  44. Falsafah wa-fann.Zakī Najīb Maḥmūd - 1963 - Cairo,: [Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop.
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  45. Raices de una incoherencia.Mahmud Piruz - 2004 - Critica 54 (911):64-65.
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    Théorie de la connaissance d'après Averroès et son interprètation chez Thomas d'Aquin.Maḥmūd Qāsim - 1978 - Alger: Sned.
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    The Educational Philosophy of Elijah Muhammad: Education for a New World.Abul Pitre & Tynnetta Muhammad - 2007 - Upa.
    Features new to the second edition include a foreword by Tynnetta Muhammad, wife and student of Elijah Muhammad; opening comments by world renowned mathematician Dr. Abdulalim Sahabazz; a new chapter co-authored with Dr. Dorothy Blake Fardan; plus guided questions and power point notes to stimulate discourse around Elijah Muhammad's educational ideas.
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    Humanitarian medical aid to the Syrian people: Ethical implications and dilemmas.Salman Zarka, Morshid Farhat & Tamar Gidron - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (2):302-308.
    Medical professionals providing humanitarian aid in times of crisis face complicated ethical and clinical challenges. Today, humanitarian aid is given in accordance with existing guidelines developed by international humanitarian organizations and defined by international law. This paper considers the ethical aspects and frameworks of an atypical humanitarian project, namely one that provides medical support through an Israeli civilian hospital to Syrian Civil War casualties. We explore new ethical questions in this unique situation that pose a serious challenge for the medical (...)
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    Walking the tightrope of the science and religion boundary.Salman Hameed - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):337-342.
    AbstractIslam's Quantum Question by Nidhal Guessoum offers a sophisticated approach to reconciling the results of modern science with Islamic tradition. The book provides a valuable critique of existing literature on Islam and science and advocates the promotion of good science and science education in the Muslim world. A central tension in the book revolves around Guessoum's efforts to promote a version of theistic science, while at the same establishing a clear boundary for science and scientific methodology. Although the latter works (...)
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  50. Semantic Information and the Complexity of Deduction.Salman Panahy - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (4):1-22.
    In the chapter “Information and Content” of their Impossible Worlds, Berto and Jago provide us with a semantic account of information in deductive reasoning such that we have an explanation for why some, but not all, logical deductions are informative. The framework Berto and Jago choose to make sense of the above-mentioned idea is a semantic interpretation of Sequent Calculus rules of inference for classical logic. I shall argue that although Berto and Jago’s idea and framework are hopeful, their definitions (...)
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